duminică, 30 octombrie 2011

Hypercholesterolemia - high cholesterol

Cholesterol can be inherited. Foodsfat consumed can also determine,hypercholesterolemia.
Causes include:
- Diet. Eating too much saturated fat cancholesterol increases. Theseunhealthy fats are found in products ofanimal. Beef, pork, veal, milk, eggs,butter and cheese contain saturated fat. Foodpackages that contain coconut oil, palm oil, orcocoa butter contain high amounts of fatsaturated. Margarine, fats and mostcookies, crackers, chips and other snacks containalso saturated fat- Body weight. Increased body weightit increases levels of triglycerides and HDL decreases the- Level of activity. Lack of physical activityincrease LDL and HDL it decreases the- Age and sex. After the age of 20 years, levelscholesterol begin, naturally, to grow. Tomen, cholesterol levels stop risingaround the age of 50 years. In women, are maintained bymenopause, then grow to levelscholesterol in men- General health. Some diseases, such asdiabetes or hypothyroidism, increasescholesterol levels- Family history. If there are morepeople who have high levels of familycholesterol (familial clustering exists), itdisease is inherited- Smoking. This can usually decreasesgood cholesterol.
In rare cases, cholesterol can be determinedan inherited condition called dyslipidemia, whichchange how the body uses cholesterol.People with this disorder can have total levelscholesterol over 250 mg / dl. Certain types ofinherited dyslipidemia can be difficult to treat.SymptomsCholesterol does not cause symptoms. It isusually discovered during analysis of bloodroutine, which causes increased levels oftriglycerides and cholesterol. Can be foundwhen another disease is diagnosed, determinedin part of hypercholesterolemia, such as for examplecoronary artery disease, strokestroke, peripheral arterial disease or inflammationthe pancreas. Some people with dyslipidemia, such asfamilial hypercholesterolemia may have symptomsdistinct, such as cholesterol deposits on skin(Xantoame). Cholesterol may be submitted also intendons hands or feet.Mechanism fiziopatogeneticSusBoth elevated LDL levels, and levelslow HDL cholesterol can lead to deposition inartery walls (plaques). This accumulation, calledatherosclerosis, hardens and narrows arteries and reducesblood flow to tissues, including the myocardium(Heart muscle).
Atherosclerosis can lead to:
- Coronary artery disease that causes painchest, heart attack, heart failure orarrhythmias (irregular heartbeat)- Stroke or strokestransient brain. Atherosclerosis whenaffects the blood vessels leading to the brain,can cause strokes ortransient strokes.- Peripheral arterial disease is caused byatherosclerosis of blood vessels that nourish hands,legs and other parts of the body. Reductionblood flow to leg cramps causethe calves, thighs and buttocks. Levelscholesterol naturally, with the advance inage. Also increases after menopause in women and thatresult of other diseases such as diabetes.Risk FactorsSome factors that increase riskhypercholesterolemia can be controlled. It is verysignificant decrease in risk as much as possible.Risk factors that can be controlled
Risk factors that can be controlled include:
- Diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol, whichincrease the level of LDL cholesterol and lowers cholesterol HLD- Increased body weight, which increases the level ofLDL and HDL decreases- Lack of physical activity that increases LDL and decreasesHDL- Smoking can lower HDL by 15%.
It is possible to control some of the diseases that increasecholesterol levels, including diabetes.
Risk factors that can not be controlled
- Family history. Coronary artery disease in relativesyounger than 55 years in men and younger than 65years for women means that people in this familyhave an inherited tendency for hypercholesterolemia- Age and sex. After the age of 20 years, levelscholesterol begin, naturally, to grow. Tomen, cholesterol levels stop risingaround the age of 50 years. The women keep up tomenopause, then grow to levelscholesterol in men.Call a specialitateSusHypercholesterolaemia is not usually anysymptoms. Sometimes the first sign of hypercholesterolemiais a heart attack, strokeor transient stroke. If thereany of these symptoms, it is recommendedcall 911 or other emergency service.
Symptoms of heart attack include:
- Severe chest pain, described as a discomfort,pressure, tightness or heaviness- Pain or discomfort that radiates to the back, jaw,neck and hands- Lower abdominal discomfort isis misinterpreted as heartburn- Sweating, nausea and vomiting- Difficulty in breathing, palpitations, dizziness andfeeling faint- Weakness, numbness, anxiety.
Symptoms of a stroke and atransient stroke:
- Numbness, weakness, paralysis of face, hands orleg, especially on one side- Blurred vision in one or both eyes, such asdouble vision or loss of vision- Confusion, trouble speaking or understanding- Abnormal gait, dizziness, loss of balance orcoordination- Severe headache pain.
We recommend consulting a physician ifin which:
- Diabetes is suspected the existence of a- The existence of family members who havehypercholesterolemia, coronary artery disease or diabetessweet- There are concerns regardingcholesterol levels.Best treatments

Blood pressure "oscillating"

If you are interested in oscillatory blood pressure,must sititi as:
- No man has a fixed blood pressure, itoscilieaza depending on many factors- High voltage oscillations can be dangerous,especially when blood greatly increases- At a hypertensive, the most common situations in whichvoltage swings are no treatment regimeincorrect.

I think that over half of people say they know orblood pressure (BP) "oscillating" or "oscillatory"thing that scares in particular.
The fact that blood pressure varies is NORMAL.
What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure Blood pressure isarteries, its value being dependent on:
heart pumps blood pressure thatamount of blood vesselsresistance (elastic) arteries.1. The amount of blood pumped by the heart
The heart pumps to every beat about 60% of blood withwhich is filled, so the voltage can not increase bythis mechanism. Instead, increasing the number of beatsper minute (pulse) can increase blood pressure,patients with tachycardia (heart beats per minute numberhigher than normal) and can have higher BP.
2. The amount of blood in the arteries.Normally there is a limited amount of blooddishwasher. If the patient has certain diseases (defects in theheart - ventricular septal defect, failuremitral, etc., or defects in blood vessels, fistulasarterio-venous) that there are more blood inarteries, it may be a cause of raised bloodpressure. Salt excess in the body retain water, andthus increases blood pressure, it is toiratiunea which is recommended for patients with blooddo not eat salt, and some ofdrugs are diuretics voltage (eliminativewater and salt).
3. Resistance arteries.Is given by the thickness and elasticity of the wallsarteries (both increasing with age), but alsodegree of contraction of the vessel walls (which musclescontracts which may increase resistance vessels).This is why blood pressure increases withlarge (sclerosis and thickening of the arteries), theobese (by the same mechanisms, and by clicking on vesselsfat test), but when there diseasesstimulates contraction of the muscles of vessel wallsblood-chemicals produced by the body, emotions,so.
When oscillating blood pressure?Blood pressure varies constantly!It is normal to have an increase in blood pressurecertain conditions (effort, emotion, fever, etc.), increasedbeing within certain limits, as is normalrev counter a car look different valuesDepending on engine overload (heart is the enginebody). Therefore, patients should not be surprisedif they had a voltage to a doctor, and another over an houror one day.
The most common situations in which blood pressurevaries significantly are:
some diseases - such as in pheochromocytoma, when valueshigh voltage are given by the secretion ofsubstances (catecholamines) produced by a tumor andtumor removal, normalizes blood pressure. Inthis situation, the patient is not only a big increasebut blood pressure and other symptoms (tachycardia =frequent heartbeat, flushing, sweating,palpitating, etc).non-diet meals with salt,preserves, pickles, coffee, alcohol, colafailure medicationstressoverloadoccurrence of complications (infection in the body, the problemrenal pain syndrome with different locations, etc.)What to do when you have voltage swings, high blood pressure,low voltage, voltage to the effort, tension at rest, etc.so.?To go to the doctor, disease is not treated virtually the netuses only information about the disease and notdiagnosis and their treatment.
Specialty that you can contact in case of growthor oscillations in blood pressure:
Internal Medicine
Cardiology.Best Treatments

The best anti-aging foods

The key is to include in the daily menu as manynutritious foods. You did not like the food thatserve to ensure you and your energy to givelongevity? There is need to search, we made newa list of the best anti-aging food.

KaleIf you mplac greens then you should notseem difficult to eat more often kale. Aoption would be to add to sandwiches, salads ordecorating food, so for added color.This vegetable deserves praise even, no nothing!into the top anti-aging food isnutritional. Tests conducted on humans revealedkale cells that repair damaged DNA,the people smoke. In addition, food is aBasic treatment of women affected by cancersan. One cup of kale has: 22% of vitamin A and 24%of vitamin C recommended daily dose.

PaprikaProvides body sensation, pleasant heatingincreasing blood flow to body extremities.Can destroy intestinal parasites. It also hasbeneficial effect on the nervous system, soothing sensationpain, when administered in correct dosesnumbs pain receptors, the terminationNerve.

Red grapesLike olive oil and tomatoes, grape juice andwine contains antioxidants. Consumption of a quantitymoderate (one or two drinks per day) of red wine increaseslongevity. And if the term EITI is not moderationknown, it would be to understand that eating too muchRed wine may shorten life.

TomatoesTomatoes contain large amounts of lycopene, an antioxidantvery powerful. Lycopene helps reduce the risk ofcancer, particularly prostate cancer and is associatedwith reduced risk of cardiovascular disease,diabetes and osteoporosis. Can prevent wrinkles,as a sign to premature aging. A truespectacular that it is to meet the redthat lycopene increases its amount when theycooking, ie tomato paste and sauce havemore lycopene than fresh tomatoes. As it seemsas it is really strange. Do you like tomatoes? Leyou can add in salads, side dishes, stew, you can serveraw in sandwiches etc. You have many possibilities. Let yourcreativity speak for itself!

PomegranatesAlthough pomegranates have a long history, outstandinghealth effects were foundrecently, which left them no time to be knownThe vast majority of people. Pomegranate juice plays arole in preventing heart disease and effectthe level of bad coletsrol beneficial in the body.Another benefit of pomegranate consumption is incetinieradevelopment of prostate cancer cells.

Both the fruit and pomegranate juice has anti-inflammatory that reduces inflammation in thejoints in people with arthritis. 240ml of juice per day should be enough to getenjoy its benefits. If you follow amedication consult a physician beforedrink pomegranate juice.

Food Allergies

Food Allergies are exaggerated reactions
immune system, following ingestion of a food
or food additive.

Unlike a food intolerance or
food poisoning, allergies involve a reaction
immune system. In this case the
reacts to the ingestion of food (allergen)
triggering a series of defense mechanisms.

A food allergy occurs in response to a protein that
may be present in peanuts, cow's milk, fish, etc..
Therefore, there is an allergy to a carbohydrate or fat,
While there may be lactose intolerant (a type of
sugar normally present in milk). Thus, if
an allergy, even the smallest amount of food
can cause symptoms.

There is no cure for allergies
food. The only solution is to avoid consumption
of food allergens.

Allergy symptoms can be mild or very severe and
even potentially fatal: difficulty breathing,
loss of consciousness or shock if arrhythmia

Food allergies can occur at any age, but
generally occurs before 4 years. At this age,
the immune and digestive system are not yet
mature, are more susceptible to allergies. some
attenuates or allergies disappear with age

The incidence of food allergies, and other diseases
assume the existence of atopy (eczema, rhinitis
allergic asthma, urticaria) is increasing.
Best Treatments